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VIASAT ANNOUNCES PARTNERS IN DIGITAL LAUNCH Viasat Broadcasting today announced the names of the companies chosen, whom will be supplying the technology behind its new digital television platform. The platform is due to be launched in the Nordic countries and the Baltic states this September, and the following companies have been chosen as hardware and software suppliers: * Nokia and Sagem will provide the Viasat digital set-top boxes. * Nordic Satellite Company (NSAB) has been assigned for channel uplink and transmission. Internet access via TV and other broadband multimedia services will be available. Société Européenne des Satellites S.A. (SES), the Luxembourg based operator of ASTRA, Europe's leading Direct-to-Home satellite system, has just entered into a definitive agreement to purchase a 50% interest in NSAB. * OpenTV, Inc. will be the provider of the digital interactive software system. * Viaccess within France Telecom has been chosen to supply the encoding system and smart cards. "We have carefully selected a range of suppliers with an outstanding expertise in their fields. The technologies have been tested worldwide, and our customers can be confident that they will get a solid, well- documented product. And because the technologies have already been introduced in other markets, Viasat customers will enjoy great value for money," says Hans-Holger Albrecht, President and CEO, Viasat Broadcasting and COO, Modern Times Group MTG AB. Viasat is a business are within MTG. For more detailed information on the above collaboration, please refer to the involved companies. For general information about the Viasat digital platform, please contact: Hans-Holger Albrecht, CEO, Viasat Broadcasting and COO MTG, telephone +44 (0) 1895 433 433 Modern Times Group MTG AB is listed on the OM Stockholm Exchange's O list (symbol: MTG) and on the Nasdaq National Market in New York (symbol: MTGNY). ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by BIT http://www.bit.se The following files are available for download: http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2000/07/19/20000719BIT00220/bit0001.doc http://www.bit.se/bitonline/2000/07/19/20000719BIT00220/bit0002.pdf