About MTG
The Capital Markets Day is scheduled as a physical event with all necessary health and safety precautions taken in light of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic.
When: Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Where: Stockholm, Sweden. Hotel At Six, Brunkebergstorg 6. For directions, please see this link
The Capital Markets Day event will also be streamed live digitally for those who prefer to participate remotely, and a recording will be published after the event is concluded on www.mtg.com.
During the event, MTG’s executive management will outline the Group’s strategic direction and the future for its gaming and esports entertainment companies. The day will also include presentations from MTG group companies.
The event will allow participants to ask questions to MTG’s Group Executive Leadership and to participating group companies.
A formal invitation, including the agenda and registration details, will be distributed closer to the date of the event.
For more information:
Lars Torstensson, Chief Financial Officer and EVP Communications & IR
Direkt: +46 (0) 70-273 48 79, [email protected]
Oliver Carrà, Director of Public Relations & Public Affairs
Direkt: +46 (0) 70 464 44 44, [email protected]
Följ oss: mtg.com / Twitter / LinkedIn
About MTG:
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) (www.mtg.com) is a strategic acquirer and operator of gaming and esports entertainment companies. Born in Sweden, the shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).