Power 106 and Power 105 becomes Power Hit Radio

Power 106 and Power 105 becomes Power Hit Radio

February 23, 1998
12.00 CET

POWER 106 AND POWER 105 BECOMES POWER HIT RADIO On monday the 23th of february Power 106 in Stockholm and Power 105 in Gothenburg becomes POWER Hit Radio. Besides the new logotype the channels gets a new package and a slightly wider format. The heaviest hip hop disapears and the music will be more poporientated soul- and dancemusic. "- The black music and the stations soul will ofcourse persist butr the format will be a bit wider than before. A rythmic cityformat is a good disription" Says Niklas Ehring, programming director at POWER Hit Radio. The stations new profil wil initialy be marketed through newspapers in Stockholm and Gothenburg. The campaign is a product of POWER Hit Radios new advertising agency Gazoline and contains the stations new sub brand Mr Power. "- Mr POWER represents what POWER Hit Radio stands for. He is a hard but righteous superhero that brings the listeners what they want" says Robert Bryhn, projectmanager at Gazoline. The messege is "More music, less talk and more hits!". The stations will also start broadcasting news and weather in the mornings as well as increasing the amount of livebroadcasted hours. "-The invesments in POWER Hit Radio are made to fully use the potential of the format an give the advertisingmarket an even better channel to communicate the targetgroup 15-34 in Stockholm and Gothenburg" says Anders Nilsson, MD at MTG Radio, the company that owns POWER Hit Radio. For further information, please visit www.mtg.se, or email [email protected] or contact: Hans-Holger Albrecht, President & CEO tel: +46 8 562 000 50 Matthew Hooper, Investor & Press Relations tel: +44 20 7321 5010 Modern Times Group MTG AB has seven business areas: Viasat Broadcasting (free-to-air and pay TV channels in nine countries), Radio (seven networks in five countries), New Media (the Everyday interactive TV portal, Internet portal, Mobile portal, and teletext services), Publishing (financial news and information services), Modern Interactive (home shopping, e-commerce, and logistics), SDI Media (subtitling and dubbing services), and Modern Studios (content production and library). Modern Times Group MTG AB's class A and B shares are listed on the Stockholmsbörsen O-list (symbols: MTGA and MTGB) and on the Nasdaq National Market in New York (symbol: MTGNY). MODERN TIMES GROUP MTG AB Skeppsbron 18, Box 2094, SE-103 13 Stockholm, Sweden Tel. +46 8 562 000 50 Fax. +46 8 20 50 74 (Publ) Registration No. 556309- 9158 www.mtg.se ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker http://www.waymaker.net The following files are available for download: http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/01/05/20040105BIT00190/wkr0001.doc http://www.waymaker.net/bitonline/2004/01/05/20040105BIT00190/wkr0002.pdf

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