Nomination Committee convened ahead of 2019 Annual General Meeting

Nomination Committee convened ahead of 2019 Annual General Meeting

August 14, 2018
16.00 CEST

In accordance with the resolution of the 2018 Annual General Meeting of MTG shareholders, a Nomination Committee has been convened to prepare proposals for the 2019 Annual General Meeting.

The Nomination Committee comprises John Hernander, appointed by Nordea Funds; Jimmy Bengtsson, appointed by Skandia Liv; and Joachim Spetz, appointed by Swedbank Robur. The members of the Nomination Committee will appoint a Committee Chairman at their first meeting.

Please see this page for information about the work of the Nomination Committee. Shareholders wishing to propose candidates for election to the MTG Board of Directors should submit their proposals in writing to [email protected] or to The Company Secretary, Modern Times Group MTG AB, Box 2094, SE-103 13, Stockholm, Sweden.



MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) is a leading international digital entertainment group and we are shaping the future of entertainment by connecting consumers with the content that they love in as many ways as possible. Our brands span TV, radio and next generation entertainment experiences in esports, digital video content and online gaming. Born in Sweden, our shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’). 

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