About MTG
MTG today announced that the Annual General Meeting which was held today in Stockholm, voted to support all of the resolutions that the Board and Nomination Committee proposed to the Meeting.
The Annual General Meeting adopted the Income Statement and Balance Sheet, as well as the consolidated financial statements and the Auditor’s report on the consolidated financial statements for 2017.
The Annual General Meeting discharged the board and the CEO from liability for 2017.
The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect board members Joakim Andersson, David Chance, Simon Duffy, Donata Hopfen, John Lagerling and Natalie Tydeman and elect Gerhard Florin as new member of the board. The Annual General Meeting also re-elected David Chance as Chairman of the board.
The Meeting approved the payment of an annual ordinary dividend of SEK 12.50 per share to shareholders at the record date of Thursday 24 May 2018. The dividend payment is expected to be made on Tuesday 29 May 2018.
The Meeting resolved to approve the proposal for remuneration to the Board and auditor and the procedure for the Nomination Committee (to apply until a resolution regarding a change of the procedure for appointing the Nomination Committee is resolved by the general meeting).
The Meeting resolved to approve the proposed guidelines for the remuneration to senior executives.
The Meeting resolved to authorise the Board of Directors to pass a resolution on one or more occasions for the period up until the next Annual General Meeting to repurchase so many Class A and/or Class B shares that MTG’s holding does not at any time exceed 10 per cent of the total number of issued MTG shares.
The Meeting also resolved to amend the provision in the Articles of Association regarding the auditor’s term of office, as well as editorial adjustments of the Articles of Association due to changed legislation, and re-elected KPMG as auditor until the close of the 2019 Annual General Meeting. Joakim Thilstedt will continue as auditor-in-charge.
At a statutory meeting of the Board of Directors following the Meeting, the Audit and Remuneration Committees were appointed. Simon Duffy was appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee, with Joakim Andersson, Donata Hopfen and Natalie Tydeman appointed as Committee members. Joakim Andersson was appointed as Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, with David Chance, John Lagerling and Gerhard Florin appointed as Committee members.
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) is a leading international digital entertainment group and we are shaping the future of entertainment by connecting consumers with the content that they love in as many ways as possible. Our brands span TV, radio and next generation entertainment experiences in esports, digital video content and online gaming. Born in Sweden, our shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).
Contact us:
[email protected] (or Tobias Gyhlénius, Head of Public Relations; +46 73 699 27 09)
[email protected] (or Stefan Lycke, Head of Investor Relations; +46 73 699 27 14)
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