About MTG
MTG has created significant shareholder returns since the divestment of ESL Gaming in April 2022. This has been achieved through a cash transfer of SEK 25 per share through MTG’s SEK 2.8 billion share redemption program in July 2022, as well as three consecutive share repurchase programs, which together have enabled MTG to buy back nearly SEK 700 million worth of shares.
MTG continues to have a strong balance sheet following the sale of ESL and is committed to the continued creation of shareholder value. MTG’s Board of Directors has also proposed that the 2023 Annual General Meeting authorize the Board to launch new share repurchase programs until the 2024 AGM.
For more information:
Anton Gourman, VP Communications and IR
Direct: +46 73 661 8488, [email protected]
Follow us: mtg.com / Twitter / LinkedIn
About MTG
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) (www.mtg.com) is an international mobile gaming group that owns and operates gaming studios with popular global IPs across a wide range of casual and mid-core genres. The group is focused on accelerating portfolio company growth and supporting founders and entrepreneurs. MTG is an active driver of gaming industry consolidation and a strategic acquirer of gaming companies around the world. We are born in Sweden but have an international culture and global footprint. Our shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).