About MTG
MTG AB today announces that its portfolio company InnoGames most successful title Forge of Empires has reached the EUR 500 million lifetime revenue mark. The highly successful title has experienced steady growth since its creation in 2012 and continues to gather momentum after more than seven years on the market. More than half of the lifetime revenue has been earned in the last two years.
“With this incredible milestone InnoGames shows that they are not just best in class in developing and publishing mobile and browser game titles, but also that they master how to capitalize on successful titles over long stretches of time, securing user loyalty. We are especially pleased to see the successful migration of the game from browser to mobile, which today is the most popular platform to play the game on,” says MTG AB President and CEO Jörgen Madsen Lindemann.
In addition to ongoing content updates, mobile has served as a significant contributor to the growth. Today, mobile also serves as the most popular platform among daily active users. With the achievement of the EUR 500 million lifetime revenue milestone, Forge of Empires reaffirms its position as one of the most successful strategy games worldwide on desktop and mobile alike.
For more information:
Lars Torstensson, EVP Communications & Investor Relations
Direct: +46 (0)702-734 879, lars.torstensson (at) mtg.com
Oliver Carrà, Public Relations Director
Direct: +46 708 666 433, oliver.carra (at) mtg.com
About MTG AB
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) (www.mtg.com) is a strategic and operational investment holding company in esports and gaming entertainment. Born in Sweden, the shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).
About InnoGames
InnoGames (www.innogames.com) is Germany’s leading developer and publisher of mobile and online games. The company based in Hamburg is best known for Forge of Empires, Elvenar and Tribal Wars. InnoGames’ first mobile title Warlords of Aternum is a fantasy turn-based strategy game. InnoGames’ complete portfolio encompasses seven live games and several mobile titles in production. Born as a hobby, InnoGames today has a team of 400 employees from more than 30 nations who share the passion of creating unique games that players across the globe enjoy for years.