About MTG
The Board will activate its internal and external succession candidate list, with the support of international search firms, and assess potential candidates against the skillset and experience that it feels is most appropriate for the company’s requirements. Jørgen, who has 12 months’ notice in his employment contract, remains fully committed to his role and duties as CEO, until his successor is appointed and brought fully on board to the company.
David Chance, Chairman of MTG AB, has also informed the company that he advised the Nomination Committee several months ago of his intention not to stand for re-election at the May 2021 AGM, after more than 20 years of service. David Chance remains fully committed to leading the Board until he stands down next year.
For more information:
Lars Torstensson, EVP Communications & Investor Relations
Direct: +46 (0)702-734 879, lars.torstensson (at) mtg.com
Oliver Carrà, Public Relations Director
Direct: +46 70 464 44 44, oliver.carra (at) mtg.com
Reach us: [email protected]
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This information is information that MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact persons set out below, at 02.00pm CEST on July 23rd 2020.
About MTG
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) (www.mtg.com) is a strategic and operational investment holding company in esports and gaming entertainment. Born in Sweden, the shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).