Increased number of shares and votes in Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ)

Increased number of shares and votes in Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ)

January 29, 2021
07.45 CET
STOCKHOLM, January 29[th], 2021 – Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ) (“MTG”) announces that as of today, January 29[th] 2021, the total number of shares and votes in the company is 68,274,555 shares and 73,185,513 votes. The total number of shares is divided among 545,662 class A shares and 67,728,893 class B shares. Each class A share entitles to ten votes, and each class B share entitles to one vote, at general meetings of the company.

The number of shares and votes has increased during January as a result of the issue of 627,431 new class B shares directed to certain sellers of Hutch Games Ltd. in accordance with the resolution of the extraordinary general meeting on 21 January 2021.

This information is information that MTG is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 07.45 CET on January 29th 2021.

For more information:
Oliver Carrà, PR Director
Direct: +46 (0) 70 464 44 44, [email protected]
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About MTG
MTG ( is a strategic and operational investment holding company in esports and gaming entertainment. Born in Sweden, the shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTG A’ and ‘MTG B’).

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