About MTG
As of today, 31 March 2021, the total number of shares and votes in MTG is 106,384,776 shares and 111,295,734 votes. The total number of shares is divided among 545,662 class A shares, 105,709,114 class B shares and 130,000 class C shares. Each class A share entitles to ten votes, and each class B share and class C share, respectively, entitles to one vote, at general meetings of the company.
The number of shares and votes has increased during March as a result of the share issue of 9,659,524 class B shares that MTG announced on 24 March 2021 and the issue of 130,000 class C shares that MTG announced on 29 March 2021. The company will hold all 130,000 class C shares in treasury during the vesting period of LTIP 2021. In connection with a potential allotment of class B shares to the participants in LTIP 2021, class C shares will be converted into class B shares and transferred to the participants in accordance with the extraordinary general meeting's resolution and the terms and conditions for LTIP 2021.
This information is information that MTG is obliged to make public pursuant to the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The information was submitted for publication at 17.45 CEST on 31 March 2021.
For more information:
Oliver Carra, PR Director
Direkt: +46 (0) 70 464 44 44, [email protected]
Följ oss: mtg.com / Twitter / LinkedIn
About MTG
MTG (www.mtg.com) is a strategic and operational investment holding company in esports and gaming entertainment. Born in Sweden, the shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTG A’ and ‘MTG B’).